logo Pilet & Renaud Pilet & Renaud Published on the 2nd March 2023

Real estate agency digital transformation

The digitalization of real estate agencies has accelerated in recent years and Pilet & Renaud SA has approached Atipik to make this digital transformation possible. We have been working with the real estate agency since 2015 and together we have developed various web and mobile solutions to improve their customer experience and internal processes.

UX UI Mobile Digital transformation Design system
Real estate agency digital transformation

Pilet & Renaud, founded in 1872, is one of the oldest real estate agencies in Geneva. As a major player in the Geneva real estate industry, the real estate agency quickly became aware of the importance of digital technology for tenants, owners and their employees.

Technology to cope with a competitive market

In the real estate business, competition is tough. Geneva's historic real estate agency quickly understood that in this constantly evolving market, technology is a real asset. With the evolution of the solutions offered to tenants and owners, the real estate agency realized that certain processes were obsolete and that paper had to be replaced by digital. Changes, even internally, were needed to make the teams more productive and efficient. The goal was to find 360-degree digital solutions and continuously evolve all tools and apps using agile processes.

the mobile app

The digital transformation of Pilet & Renaud

In order to find, with the client, the best solutions, we set up a team of experts: UX/UI Designer, Developers, Project Manager... Then, a series of workshops were organized, with the client, but also with tenants in order to collect precise needs and expectations. Our teams were immersed in Pilet & Renaud's operations in order to understand the internal functioning and to identify the points of friction or the possible areas for improvement.


The self-care approach: digital technology at the service of customers

The real estate agency accompanies many tenants and owners on a daily basis. The managers receive a multitude of requests or questions and providing answers to all of them can quickly prove to be complex. A tree structure of the main questions or categories of information has been set up. This has enabled the implementation of a chatbot accessible to customers using the ChezMoi Espace locataire and ChezMoi Espace copropriétaire mobile app. Without waiting, you get answers to the majority of questions. The real estate agency and advisors focus on more complex cases or requests that would not be accessible from the chatbot.

For several years now, the Atipik teams have been working with us to accelerate the digital transformation of the real estate agency. We are fortunate to have a trusted digital partner with whom we share common values and this is reflected in the quality of their work.

Alix Barbier-Mueller Director and member of the Management of Pilet & Renaud SA

Redesign of the real estate agency's website

Refurbishing the real estate agency's website seemed to us to be the first priority to manage. In addition to being the digital showcase of Pilet & Renaud, the website must be connected to their ERP in order to facilitate the posting of new real estate ads. The website offers the possibility to tenants to submit their application in a few clicks. An administrator console has been designed for employees to manage content and respond quickly to requests and contacts received on the website.

app functionality
app functionality

ChezMoi Tenant Space

The ChezMoi Tenant Space app is a dedicated space available on the web and on cell phones to facilitate communication between the real estate agency and the tenant. It allows users to have access to all the information of their lease, to their mails, to pay their bills and their rent directly online. The app also facilitates exchanges between the real estate agency and the tenants, notably with the help of a chatbot that allows them to send requests for interventions or administrative requests. The real estate agency can notify its customers with alerts when work, breakdowns, water cuts or any other intervention is planned in the buildings.

ChezMoi Espace copropriétaires, a new feature for fall 2022

Released in the fall of 2022, the ChezMoi Espace copropriétaire app is made available by Pilet & Renaud for people who own a condominium whose building is managed by the real estate agency. The app facilitates the management of the property with features such as bill payment, notifications of general meetings, tenant management or the possibility to request assistance from the real estate agency.

the mobile app

The digitalization of the reception

If you visit the real estate agency, you will find an iPad available at the reception desk. The website has been adapted for the tablet format and offers customers the possibility to consult the real estate ads on the spot. The user has the option of printing or emailing the ads that interest him. This solution has allowed the receptionists to stop printing the new properties that appear every day.


And the story doesn't end there...

Pilet & Renaud was the first real estate agency in Geneva to offer a connected portal for their tenants. The internal teams have adopted the agile mindset and are looking to continuously improve their internal processes as well as the digital solutions offered to their customers. New features are added, products are improved little by little to better match the expectations of end users. In the end, the website and apps are appreciated by customers.

GVApp logo

Browse through PRSA's digital solutions

Visit the website, download the mobile apps of Pilet & Renaud SA.