You are no longer satisfied with your Wordpress website? We get it!
Wordpress is a solution that is simple, fast, low budget, but can quickly become a real pain to manage and use! At one time or another Wordpress seemed the right solution to adopt for your website, but as your website has grown, as your business evolves, you become saturated, your website does not keep pace? If you feel like crying as soon as you have to modify a page, add a category, modify your menu, adapt your theme, make (again) an update, then this article is for you. I promise, we'll even offer you an alternative solution at the end of the article.

Why isn't Wordpress optimized to scale along with your business?
Wordpress themes that limit the design
Wordpress offers a wide selection of themes for your website with all types of designs at various prices. Once installed, you will quickly realize that this theme will not completely fit your brand identity. As your website evolves over time, the final result will not be as "Premium" as you expected.
Making a website without a developer and a designer is a bit like making a house without a mason and an interior decorator, don't expect to have an architect's house. Your Wordpress is rather comparable to DIY house.
It is therefore normal to have a feeling of "not good enough" or "never finished" with a Wordpress, instead of adapting your entire website to your vision, your brand image, you must certainly make compromises and stick to the theme you have chosen.
Low performance for a Wordpress
Have you taken a look at the performance of your Wordpress lately? What is the average loading time of your pages? Take 2 minutes to check it with Google Page Speed tool.
Whether it's poor media management, or excessive plugin installation, if you don't pay attention to your site's performance, your score can quickly be impacted, and your bounce rate may increase.
Without plugins, your wordpress site will be very limited. Depending on your needs (e-commerce, SEO, data, forms,...) you will quickly realize that you become addicted to these extensions that connect in a few clicks to your website. How many do you have on your website? Probably too many. This is called plugin bloat, or plugin saturation.
Wordpress: security that can't be guaranteed
Wordpress is the most used CMS, so it often becomes the target of hackers, and a simple "security" plugin will not solve the problem.
In order to limit the risks, you have to be attentive to poorly rated plugins, check regularly those you have installed and if they need to be updated. Another important point is to make sure that your plugins are compatible with each other. An extension, on its own, may not cause problems for your website, but if it is not compatible with the others you have already installed, it may impact the stability of your Wordpress.
Another important factor is the users and administrators that are added to your website. Poor access management can make it easier to access the administrator console.
It may be that in the beginning, having a Wordpress was the best web solution for you. Take a step back, if you feel that you have become somewhat of a slave to your website, you are investing more time and money than expected, then it may be time to realize that Wordpress is no longer suitable.
Custom development of your website, without CMS
Whether you have all the skills in-house (developers, designers, writers,...) or not, a custom website is the right solution to replace your Wordpress. Take back control and make sure your website is the digital showcase for your business!
The advantages of not using Wordpress
- The customization of your website is done at all levels: features, structure, design, content, etc.. so that your website finally reflects your business at its true value.
- You keep the control during all the stages of design of your website, it is not up to you to bend to Wordpress, from now on, you make the decisions.
- It is easier to make your website evolve, whether it is small adjustments, or big changes.
- It is an investment that will allow you to have a quality and stable website.
- The level of security (depending on what your provider can offer you) may be higher than with Wordpress.
The disadvantages of making a custom site
- A website made from scratch may take longer to develop (note that this is not always the case)
- Not having a predefined theme, you must have a design for your website.
- Many expertises are necessary for the design of your site (designer, developers,...).
- The cost to invest may be higher, depending on the type of website you want to make.
Get help from an agency for the development of your site
Don't hesitate to ask for help in creating your company's website. Web development agencies will advise you and accompany you at all stages of your project. Remember to ask the right questions to the providers of your choice. Especially if they are used to manage projects such as yours, and show you concrete examples.
Even if you have some skills in-house, going from a Wordpress to a website made from scratch can be quite a challenge. Service providers are used to dealing with this type of request, and will be able to advise you on the best choices (design, technology, etc.) that will best suit your company. By trusting an external company for their expertise, your teams can focus on your company and your core business!

Wordpress may be the right solution for you, for example if you are launching your first website with a small budget or just need a blog. The advice we just want you to keep in mind is: don't become a slave to your website, if you face too many limitations, if your website is holding you back, if your team, your customers, are complaining about your Wordpress, it's time to change. The transition from Wordpress to a custom website doesn't have to be a nightmare for you. Get help for a hassle-free transition!